Stock Recommendation- 9th September, 2019.

The Nigerian bourse continued its bearish run last week, as the NSEASI lost 1.38%, extending the YtD losses to -13.63%. During the week, the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) released the Q2:2019 GDP report which showed that the economy expanded by 1.94% YoY, a slowdown from the 2.10% recorded in Q1:2019. The bullish run recorded in the first two days was short-lived as bearish sentiment resumed strongly, eroding the earlier gains. On a balance of factors, we expect bearish sentiment to prevail in the market this week in spite of bargain hunting opportunities. find attached for the full report.

The Nigerian bourse continued its bearish run last week, as the NSEASI lost 1.38%, extending the YtD losses to -13.63%. During the week, the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) released the Q2:2019 GDP report which showed that the economy expanded by 1.94% YoY, a slowdown from the 2.10% recorded in Q1:2019. The bullish run recorded in the first two days was short-lived as bearish sentiment resumed strongly, eroding the earlier gains. On a balance of factors, we expect bearish sentiment to prevail in the market this week in spite of bargain hunting opportunities.